Photoszene Köln is the patron of Art Meets Education (AME), a non-profit organization that provides education through photography. AME offers children from disadvantaged families in the Philippines the opportunity to finance their school attendance through photography. In workshops, children between the ages of 5 and 9 learn how to use the camera, and equipped with analog instant cameras, they then spend a week exploring their world and everyday life. 20 great works by the children of the current project will be presented for the first time at the MAKK and can be purchased as originals or posters. If you can't be there live, you can buy the works at and thus support the children's education. Already with 10 € for a poster a whole month school for a child is secured - 1 poster = 1 month school!
Friday-Sunday, 10.-12. May 2019, 10-18 o'clock in the MAKK
More info about Art Meets Education >>here<<.